martes, 10 de marzo de 2015

9/11 from the eyes of foreigners

After looking at reactions of the US, I decided to go even broader and look for reactions across the globe, which proved to be much more interesting and varied. Of course most posts show sympathy towards the United States and the tragic events that happened that day, but there was one from a palestinian woman who at the time was 11 who described how people went out to the streets to celebrate. She clearly states that she has since grown up and realized what a horrible even it really was, but she also explains the reasoning behind the celebrations. The United States had been aiding Israel for years with weapons that hurt (and continue to hurt) many palestinians. What happened in New York was something that palestinians lived everyday, they too had seen their friends and family die and suffer from injuries.
This serves as a reminder that violence and extreme acts of violence happen all over the world, and a lot more often than the media reveals. As horrible as it may sound, I can understand people celebrating in Palestine, it must be gratifying to watch your bullies being bullied, but this is not a solution. Tension in the middle east only increased in the following years and reassured the United States in their mission to target any country or terrorist group that they felt posed even a minor threat to the country.    

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