martes, 3 de marzo de 2015

9/11 footage reaction

Undoubtedly, watching any kind of footage of 9/11 results terrifying and watching what was live footage of it only adds to the feeling. Seeing the second airplane crash into the tower while on air seems surreal, like watching a trailer for a movie, except its real. Putting myself in the position of those who were actually watching the news that day, I understand the panic, the confusion and the hysteria. I imagine a feeling similar to the one after the earthquake in 2010, not really understanding what was going on until it was probably too late, staring at the falling builings on the television in disbelief. There is one important difference, though, when the earthquake happened, there was no one to blame. That to me is the scariest part, thinking that there are people with that much evil in their hearts. It's hard to imagine and even harder to believe that there are people like that in this world, which is probably why it took a while for people to realize that it wasn't a mere accident but rather a planned terrorist attack. After all, who could ever imagine that a group of men would literally fly themselves into a building? If knowing that there are people who feel this magnitude of hate towards other, one would have to be crazy not feel afraid, especially after 9/11 proved that someone with enough hatred is capable of literally anything.

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