US citizens remember 9/11
This article from Federal News Radio consists of a compilation of stories from 9/11 from people living in New York and other cities of the United States explaining where they where and what they felt at that time. It was linked to another article when searching for 9/11 reactions on google.
Widespread reactions in the US and the world
The History Channel website presents an interesting piece of writing which first details into the United States' general social reaction to the attack, especially the weeks and months that followed. Then it details how other countries' governments aided the United States and sent messages of sympathy. I came across this article when searching for international reactions.
Reactions from foreign countries
The presentation here is very similar to the first item in the sense that it too details what people where doing when the towers were attacked, the difference being that the stories come from various nationalities and therefore show more variety when it came to how involved people felt. I also found these while looking for international reactions.
Psychology of the US reaction
Psychology Today explores the psychological reasoning behind the United States' reaction to the terrorist attack along with the psychological repercussions across the country and in the government. I got to it by searching for "9/11 repercussions."
Deterring terrorism through resilience
This recorded conference features a panel of psychiatrists, sociologists and other experts who discuss how terrorism can be deterred through psychology by creating more united and resilient communities, in order to make them less appealing targets. This video was linked to the psychology today page.
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