jueves, 29 de mayo de 2014

Mission Statement

Being a chilean athlete, it has always come to my attention the lack of coverage in sports other than soccer. Unless something truly extraordinary happens, it is almost as if other sports didn’t exist, and even then, it is only a few select athletes who are mentioned. You can ask anyone in the street about any football player and they probably know their whole life story, you can ask anyone in the street about any other sport and they might not even know it exists. Sure, soccer is the “popular” sport, all you really need is a ball, but this doesn’t mean other sports are not relevant. Choosing to devote one’s life to a sport is not an easy decision, it comes with many sacrifices, especially in a country like Chile, with little or no culture regarding the support that a high competition athlete needs, or even the importance of sports. This is why coverage is so important, unless people see all the efforts and all the tears that come together to win or even come close to an olympic medal, athletes will remain unsupported. If this doesn’t change, chilean sports will continue suffering from a vicious cycle, where athletes receive no support because there are no immediate results and apparently no one has enough insight to see that the rewards come at the long run.

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